7 Benefits of Switching to an Active Workstation 1. This article explores the benefits of a standing desk for writers, creatives, and freelancers who work from home. One of the benefits of an electric standing desk is that you can preset specific heights that you use often. Often, people experience back pain or neck pain from sitting in front of a computer. 1) Lowered Risk Of Heart Disease. But these standing desks have many benefits, you must be unaware of. … Benefits to Standing Desk 1. One of the benefits of standing desks is that it is a good way to introduce more movement into your work day. There are countless health benefits of using a sit-stand desk, but here are six of the most important: 1. You will need these muscles when you begin standing at your standing desk. 03. A lot of people who have standing desks use things such as standing mats, balance boards, treadmills, or even exercise bikes. Electronic standing desks have all the benefits of sit/stand desks, but you don’t have to adjust the height manually – you can adjust the height of your standing desk electronically at the touch of a button. “As a research-driven design firm that’s committed to health, wellbeing and sustainability, ‘Stand Up to Work’ was a particularly important project for us,” says John Haymaker, director of research at Perkins+Will. I don't have a standing desk right now, and I find I miss it a lot. Instead … Sit/stand desks that convert your current desktop can look bulky, but electronic standing desks can look very sleek and professional, which fits well in a modern office. Members of the medical community are promoting a “sit-stand-switch” philosophy for optimum health. How? People who are sedentary for long periods of time have an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and potentially risk an early death. Everyone is looking for ways to lose weight. Standing desks are a fantastic way to take advantage of some low hanging fruit when it comes to weight loss. And it gets worse if you sit with a bad posture. We've all heard about the positive impacts of using a standing desk versus the traditional sitting desk. What the researchers found is that … How to use and properly stand … A standing desk or stand up desk is a fast emerging trend in the domain of coworking. Good news for kiwi nine-to-fivers looking to reduce their waistlines: Working at a standing desk burns up to 200 more calories a day, on average, compared to just working on your … Thanks to technology, we’ve become a society that sits… and often all day. Benefits of Standing Desks. Standing desk benefits come from giving you a break from sitting all day, boosting metabolism, keeping your blood flowing all while still being productive at work. Thinking about installing a standing desk for your own office space? While performing exercises is the most effective way to burn calories, simply choosing to stand up while working can be beneficial as compared to sitting down. Standing (even at a Desk Job) Lowers Your Risk of Obesity. A sit-stand … They all added 1,000 calories to their daily intake and were asked not to change any exercise or movement … That is due to the fact that there are multiple different physiological and psychological benefits of using a standing desk that contribute to the overall increase in worker productivity. Adjustable-height desks can range in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $1,000. The first major benefit of using a standing desk is avoiding all of the negatives that make sitting at a desk bad for you! … 2. But as it is with … Lowers Risks of Weight Gain and Obesity. Let’s start with the good that we know about standing desk benefits. Sitting for long periods of time causes metabolic issues–you don't produce chemicals necessary for processing sugars and fats, and your circulation suffers. This is why we see many … Most desktop converters force you to give up the ability to achieve a perfect seated height and often actually make the seated height worse because they raise the seated desktop height an additional inch or so. Burns Calories. To help you make better decisions, let’s go over some of the ergonomic benefits of standing desks. Try it and you’ll see! Remember, nothing is as … The benefits of standing desk at work will aid in achieving this objective. Converters work well if you're committed to your current desk but want the additional health benefits of a full standing desk. Even though standing is better for you than sitting, you want to be sure that you have active movement while standing to achieve more health benefits. Here at the Men’s Health offices, you see quite a few standing desks. 1. Take a look at some of the reasons why you should. While standing, it’s hard for a person to get sleepy because the brain is constantly reminding the body to get … It can be as simple and inexpensive as placing your computer monitor on top of a box or a stack of books, or it can be as elaborate and pricey as a customized platform that adjusts height with the push of a button. A standing desk is any arrangement of furniture that allows you to stand up while you work at your desk. Last year, I found one at Costco for $200 and immediately went to get it. Sitting puts a lot more pressure on our lower back compared to sitting. In a nutshell, sit-to-stand desks basically have height-adjustable work surfaces. Standing may reduce your risk of cancer. If sitting for long periods is the new smoking, … Sit-stand-switch capability. The benefits of standing desks and sit-stand working include being able to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the working day, increased levels of energy, focus, concentration and productivity, as well as improvements in posture and calorie burning. Going back to the internal combustible engine, the car, the big-screen television, the computer, our collection of smart devices, and the sofa, we have become more sedentary. In the past couple of years, as studies have come out sounding the alarm on the ill-effects of excessive sitting, the popularity of standing or stand-up desks has soared. Health Benefits of a Standing Desk . A treadmill desk is certainly another, more aggressive, calorie-burning option that can yield many healthy benefits. Oc course the positive impact of a treadmill desk was even greater. Standing desk research, such as “Stand Up to Work”, continues to demonstrate that height-adjustable desks can be an important part of a strategy to design for the holistic wellbeing of people. May Increase Life Expectancy. Leading standing desk researcher, James Levine of the Mayo Clinic, conducted a study on a group of office workers. Consistently sitting for longer periods of … A sedentary lifestyle — like the one most seated office workers have — increases your risk of heart disease by as much as 90 percent. Here are the health benefits of standing desks: Less back pain: People with back pain have experienced relief when they use standing desks. … Those who have read much of the coverage of this trend might be forgiven for thinking that standing to work constitutes a new hip fad. When sitting more for a prolonged period of time, the brain gets bored and hence you tend to feel sleepy. If the amount you are consuming is more than what you are burning away, it will definitely contribute to obesity. Standing Desk Benefits. A survey conducted in 2011 by the American Institute of Cancer … Participants walking about 1 mph at their desk showed an average heart-rate increase of more than 12 beats a minute. In fact, an equal amount of … Standing at the desk during work helps burn off around 170 calories which is pretty impressive. The issue is continuous, sitting for regular periods without interruption. Below are four health benefits that you can get from investing in a standing desk setup. The benefits of using a standing desk will amaze you! Standing helps reduce the pressure and also loosen up muscles that tend to tighten when sitting. Remember, there are plenty of options that will allow you to buy the perfect adjustable desk … Research says you should stand about much as you sit every hour. Your skeleton and muscles form a reactive frame for your body which wants … Good for your body. No need to work out or go for a jog, just spend a few hours standing at your desk each day. Whilst standing desks are great and offer many benefits, it isn't a good idea to try to go from sitting 8-12 hours per day, to standing for 8-12 hours per day. Whether you work in an office or at home, the benefits of standing desks are too important to risk sitting for another year in the same chair you’ve sat in for years. The simple act of changing from sitting to standing (and … One is the use of sit-to-stand desks or standing desks, which can be beneficial to health for a handful of reasons. Some studies have found a higher risk of certain types of cancer for people who are inactive. Burn More Calories Speed Up Your Metabolism. This can be and should be done in a matter of 30 minutes. Top Benefits of Standing Desks. Productivity … Relieves Back Pain ImageSource: www.spineuniverse.com. Did you know that the average person can spend around 12 hours a day sitting? Now let’s dive into the benefits of standing desks and active workstations! Replace it with movement, even standing if you wish to avoid the dangers on your physical well-being. Standing Desks Benefits: 1. 7 Benefits of Standing Desk (With the Best Desks Recommendations) January 1, 2021 Hendy Agus Wijaya Success Tips No Comment on 7 Benefits of Standing Desk (With the Best Desks Recommendations) Chairs and desks are necessary parts for most people’s working environment, but it comes at a cost. That means every hour stand at least 30 min. I ended up getting a second standing desk for $250. A November 2015 analysis published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine examined 54 surveys on sitting time, factoring in population size, life table and deaths in the countries in which the surveys were conducted. I also have a standing desk at … Several studies have confirmed this theory and recommended that people try to cut down the overall time that they spend sitting. That doesn’t mean an average throughout the day. Health experts, scientists, researchers and medical professionals are all in agreement that working at an electric height … Standing Desks Benefits 1. Your desk can be lowered and heightened, depending on how comfortable you are. When you stand, you are naturally more likely to fidget or to move around your office. This philosophy says to alternate between sitting and standing every 30 minutes to prevent too much strain from being placed on your body in any one position. Here are seven surprising benefits of using a standing desk. This allows me to change from standing to sitting position with the touch of one button. Whether it’s in the car or bus to and from work, putting in a full day at the office, sitting down to eat, or relaxing on the sofa with the game console at the end of a busy day, when you tot it all up, sitting doesn’t really leave that much time to get active! The standing desk benefits by inverting the proportion of burnt calories to the ingested calories. Related Post: 20 Best Standing Desks for Home Offices. Become a Stand-Up Guy: The History, Benefits, and Use of Standing Desks. The ultimate goal is to lead a more active lifestyle. Standing Desk Benefits. It is mostly an adjustable desk, where you stand while carrying out your work tasks. DO NOT sit … Whether you decide to get a standing desk in addition to your existing desk, or if you decide to replace yours with an adjustable top, a standing desk is one surefire way to get you on your feet and they have lots of benefits that may surprise you. Both standing and treadmill desks have clear benefits over sitting (duh). Similarly, sitting uninterrupted for hours at a time increases the risk of cardiovascular events (e.g., heart attack, atherosclerosis) by 147 percent. The Benefits Of A Standing Desk. As mentioned above, constant sitting results in deconditioning of your postural muscles. 1. Make an investment in your future and find out why millions of people are making the change to standing desks. Also, when sitting your body will burn a lot fewer calories. Studies of standing desks found that, on average, users had an average heart-rate increase of more than 8 beats per minute. Both of my desks have four preset options available. Standing desks in a nutshell . 5. With this increased activity, standing desk users are likely to As such, it is a good idea to gradually progress yourself into more prolonged bouts of … Increases attention, focus and productivity: Standing keeps your bold level at a healthy level and hence helps in an active circulation and keeps the brain more alert and active. What Are the Best Standing Desks? Less Obesity Risk. However, a standing desk can be difficult to get used to and can even cause problems when not used correctly.