[Lecouteux, pp.] Protector and Ruler of the dates January 16-20; Capricorn. Cassiel is the Master of the 21st Tarot Card “The World”. (If the brow chakra is purple, the crown chakra is white; if the brow chakra is indigo, the crown chakra is purple). Sugilite which is violet in color is one of the natural birthstones of those born at the time when the year is new, just after the winter solstice (December 21 - January 19). Michael is the Beauty Angel, Tree of Life. These are from the popular lists that most people are familiar with. Sugilite helps one let go of the past and move forward in a positive way, releasing unwanted thoughts, memories or life experiences that run over and over, keeping the mind from peace. It inspires awe, and invites a feeling of mystery and magic, nobility and luxury. This crystal combination is also very effective for overcoming addictions. Protector and Ruler of the dates November 8-12; Scorpio. Sugilite helps the crown to integrate this influx of spiritual energy into daily living. They are very empathetic, love giving gifts, and are quite resilient in life. In this way, Sugilite is an important stone for planetary healing, as it wakes up individuals to their larger purpose. This makes it as well a stone with great meaning regarding spirituality and subconscious levels of belief, letting people who use it gain more insight into their thought processes and moments of connection from within. It is a good stone for those suffering from paranoia, schizophrenia, or post-traumatic stress disorder. ]Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009). ★ Metaphysical Properties and Mystic Lore: Sugilite has a vibration of true spiritual love and encourages the manifestation of this vital energy in your surroundings and very being. Sugilite may be used to honor Cerridwen, the Welsh Goddess of Inspiration and Knowledge. Another beautiful violet-colored crystal, Lepidolite features gentle vibration that resonate … Pink Sugilite is good for resolving inner hurt, and can be especially consoling for adopted children who have tracked down their birth parents and were rejected. The mineral’s name is pronounced erroneously more often than correctly, usually with a soft “g” as in “gene” when it should be pronounced with a hard “g” as in “geese.” (soo-gi-lyt) Specimens found in Japan were often a light brownish-yellow rock-forming mineral, classified and soon forgotten. Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007). It opens the crown chakra enabling spiritual growth, spiritual love and spiritual wisdom to flourish. [Melody, 626][Simmons, 386][Hall, 279][Raphaell, 121-125][www.crystalheart.com.au]    An exceptional crystal for awakening the Crown Chakra, Sugilite infuses the body with light, bringing spiritual and unconditional love in through the Crown and down to the Base Chakra, aligning all of the chakras as it goes. This is because the user is most vulnerable mentally and physically when they’re sleeping, making Sugilite a great stone to use to increase strength in one’s aura. It may be beneficial for fighting off viruses and inflammation, and is one of the premier stones to aid in the treatments of cancer by lifting despair, calming emotions, and channeling healing energy into the body. It is a splendid stone for healers to use, as it is both very powerful and amplifies one’s intuition. Sugilite is not a traditional birthstone. Selenite. Love Mum xx ]Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010). [www.mindat.org][Simmons, 386][en.wikipedia.org][, Sugilite is one of the very best crystals for those who are highly sensitive and take on whatever energies are around them. It dislodges and dispels toxic influences from one’s inner and outer environments, and serves to speed up one’s spiritual development. Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. [Lembo, pp.] The Crown Chakra is the seventh chakra, a sacred energy center that helps people gain access to higher spiritual consciousness. [Simmons, pp.] Seekers contain the crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind in finding the way to new horizons and new capabilities. Sugilite also works really well with the vibrant blue hues of Lapis Lazuli.. As mentioned many times in this article, sugilite is a powerful crystal for stimulating your crown chakra.As it brings the gift of spiritual enlightenment and wisdom of the divine realm, the powerful attributes of lapis lazuli work your third eye chakra allowing you to see visions more clearly. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion - of ideas, of concepts, and sex. It’s one of the most important crystals to work with for anti-inflammation medicine. [Lembo, 329] Light colored Sugilite is considered especially beneficial for cleansing and purifying the lymph system. The Crown Chakra is thought of as our bridge between the gap of the Divine and Humanity, connecting us to both the physical and non-physical realm of our existence. While the former can push you to new beginnings, the latter can boost your spiritual attunement. She is a fertility goddess and protector, and the ruler of wild beasts, with power over astrology and the changing of the seasons. They tend to be highly successful in the businesses of art, music, marketing, and drama. Sugilite is also known as Archangel Michael's stone.. Sugilite Associations. It brings the gifts of wisdom and spiritual devotion, helping one to understand that Truth is the highest form of love, and living in one’s own truth is not only healing but empowering. Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008). Sugilite is a great stone to use when healing your emotional self, often aiding those struggling mentally with shielding to ward off intrusive thoughts and other unproductive coping mechanisms. Its energy flows from the Crown down to the Base Chakra, opening and balancing all as it goes. Pisceans love making friends and being around them, and often put their friends’ interests and needs before their own. [Raphaell, 124][Hall, 280], Sugilite is an extraordinary healer of the emotional body, a grounding force for all who are socially awkward, suffering from mental illness, or who simply feel Earth is not their home. Sugilite Chakra. For example, stones containing a magenta-purple combination are considered the rarest varieties of the stone. Protector and Ruler of the dates April 26-30; Taurus. Wearing or carrying Sugilite can remove negative attachments and karmic influences, and keep parasitic entities from the astral plane from remaining in one’s aura. Now you have a bottle filled with Crown chakra affirmations and mantras. How Will Crown Chakra Stones Help You? The second way is to find your natural birthstone by the color wheel of life. Sugilite is also believed by some to lesson learning disabilities like dyslexia, and to help with more serious disorders such as Schizophrenia and Autism. Energizer crystals, such as Sugilite, are powerful sponge-like absorbers of energy. This chakra is also known as Sahasrara, meaning “thousand-petaled” in Sanskrit, and it is represented by the image of a blooming lotus flower. Master of the 10th Tarot Card “Wheel of Fortune”. Gems and Stones. Sugilite carries the energy of the ‘Violet Flame’ and some believe it will help one find one’s true love. ... and sugilite. [Simmons, 386][Melody, 626][Hall, 279][101 Hall, 198]. Because of the shield it provides and the manner in which it can help users ward off negative energies, it is often best used when the user is about to go to sleep or during a sleep cycle. Its wonderful vibrations facilitate perfect chakra balance and attunement to universal love, which is no surprise considering all of the sugilite benefits at the heart of sugilite meaning. Protector and Ruler of the dates October 29-Nov 2; Scorpio. Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003). One can do yoga poses such as Padmasana, Vriksasana, Srihasana, etc to balance your Crown chakra. It assists one in remembering night dreams and aids lucid dreaming, and supports one in recalling the dreams one may have had for one’s life and somehow put aside, or in recovering the dreams one’s soul had for this lifetime. It brings light and love into the darkest of situations, letting one know life is more than what is currently being experienced. The Crown Chakra is most stimulated by Sugilite, meaning that it helps promote universal flow within the various chakras. It would not see popularity, though, until its discovery once again in South Africa. All rights reserved. Protector and Ruler of the dates July 17-22; Cancer. For example, if you’re feeling emotional stress, that can leave your body feeling tense which can subsequently aid in developing other tensions or disorders that affect the body negatively. The table below gives you information about them. She was the one who uttered the OM of creation, and is the mother of the four sacred Vedas. She rules the gifts of prophecy and magic, and powers death and rebirth. Lavender talismans, the lighter shade of violet, provide not only the wisdom of self, but focuses on our feelings and understanding our hidden yearnings. It is where we receive revelations or guidance from the Elohim (spiritual beings) and also acts as our bank account for GRACE. Sugilite honors Al-Uzza, the Most Mighty Goddess, and maiden warrior form in the triple goddess with Allat and Manat. CROWN - 7th CHAKRA Sugilite ~ Amethyst ~ Clear Quartz. It can guard you against negative energy and also ground your spiritual self. This eases any mental or spiritual stress through the constant pulsating manner of even flow. [Hall, 280][101 Hall, 198][Melody, 626][Gienger, 83][Eason, 55], Sugilite may be useful in treating iron deficiencies, asthma, allergies and other lung-related health issues, as well as increasing physical stamina and endurance. Sugilite is not a traditional birthstone. These sugilite chip stone necklaces are simply gorgeous. View as: Just make sure it’s in the same room as you to make sure it is most effective. Sugilite is a Seeker Energizer crystal. The Crown chakra exists at the crown, or very top, of your head. Place on a nightstand or under the pillow to counter insomnia, ward off nightmares, and encourage nurturing, vivid dreams. [Eason, 55], An excellent stone for spiritual quests, Sugilite protects the soul from all forms of negativity and enhances one’s psychic powers. [Hall III, pp.] Sugilite’s physical healing benefits come in the harmony that it can create between connections in the body. It is thought to relieve emotional disturbances and psychiatric disorders, neurotransmitter glitches, or brain malfunctions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, epilepsy, and motor dysfunction. In order to keep Sugilite at its best, be sure to cleanse after use. Protector and Ruler od the dates February 25-29; Pisces. It’s also believed to give the wearer strength and make them resistant to negativity from others. Consume the water. All Rights Reserved |. It helps to connect with our spirit guides, and to understand the symbolism they send us in dreams. To use it effectively, be sure to direct your thoughts towards the stone and invite the stone inward, letting it access your vulnerability. An opened Crown chakra will provide you a sense of peace, contentment and oneness. Sugilite is an excellent amulet for children who recall past lives, to keep a balance between everyday reality and the spiritual world. It may also be used for healing environments, and for use in crystal layouts. This resurgence would skyrocket its popularity and bring it to be one of the popular stones used in the New Age movement that began in the 1980s. Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals (Scotland: Earthdancer Books, 2009). It offers hope and optimism for a better future, enabling one to accept the here and now. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs. Judy Hall, 101 Power Crystals (Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2011). Being associated with the violet hue, you can use Sugilite to heal your violet Chakra. Simply hold the stone and allow the pain and negative energy to be transferred into the manganese and Sugilite. Margaret Lembo The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, & Stones (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Worldwide, 2013). The traditional one is listed first. This gemstone is also said to awaken the Crown Chakra and infuse the wearer’s body with light. Chakra: Crown. The Sugilite is a dark purple stone from South Africa. Angel of Saturday and Ruler of Saturn. [Melody, 626][Raphaell, 123][Ahsian, 387], Sugilite is perhaps the most powerful stone for calling in the Violet Flame of purification, a process of energetic cleansing and burning away of the “gray spots” in the auric field. Origin: Mexico, Russia, USA, UK, France, … It may also aid in the psychic development of automatic writing. Simply chant – Chant the affirmations or mantra whenever you are free. The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones, The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, & Stones, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals. She is the guardian of spiritual transformation. Essential Oils – Dab a drop of any of the mentioned essential oil on Crown chakra. Its energy alleviates grief and sorrow, hopelessness, and lends the strength to face difficulties and recognize there is a bigger picture of which one is an integral part. Protector and Ruler of the dates November 23-27; Sagittarius. It also is good to use when dealing with feelings that are harder to explain, such as unwanted moments of jealousy or prejudice against others. Sharing is caring! ), Sugilite promotes an understanding of the mind/body connection and how illness and disease may result from chronic stress, emotional turmoil and lack of love. It can be recognized through its typically lilac or violet colors that range across the spectrum. This ray is associated with spiritual growth, deep spiritual love and wisdom, and with the crown chakra. These are talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, wanderer, and explorer. Master of the 20th Tarot Card “Judgment”. The combination of Amethyst Crystals with Sugilite, both powerful crown chakra stones, will elevate the level of psychic protection. Sugilite is a wonderful companion to keep near when dealing with headaches, migraines or any type of pain issues. They’re also crystals of the student and the researcher. Lepidolite. A potent crown chakra stone, sugilite is also ideal for peeping into the future. Sugilite is a third Eye and Crown Chakra crystal, but it opens and clears all of our chakras and purifies our aura. It is a powerful attractor of healing energies, and has surfaced Sugilite properties are especially helpful for the crown chakra and heart chakra. Sugilite honors Vac, the Hindu Goddess of the Spoken Word. (Please note: Information on this website is no substitute for consulting a healthcare professional. Often referred to as the “thousand petal lotus” chakra, it is the highest chakra and its openness can impact on (or be influenced by) anything on the following list: Sugilite’s main purpose is in aiding those who usually are sensitive to outside energies because of how it helps you create a shield to deflect unwanted vibrations. Sugilite utilizes the Violet Ray, the darker hue of winter’s majesty, the time just after the winter solstice. Crown Chakra Correspondances. A most beautiful and powerful crystal of the Violet Ray energy, Sugilite is a premier “love stone for this age,” embodying the perfection of Divine love and the manifestation of this energy on the Earth plane. Claude Lecouteux, A Lapidary of Sacred Stones (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, U.S. edition, 2012). [Simmons, 386][Melody, 626], Sugilite is a vital ally in connecting the mind to the wisdom of the Third Eye; and is highly effective at the Heart Chakra, stimulating a resonant love which can be felt by others and is in tune with the vibration of the perfect state of the universe. [101 Hall, 198][Lembo, 328] If your birthday falls in any of the following periods, a Sugilite of the color listed can be a valuable conduit to your Guardian Angel. Since Sugilite was first recorded in 1944 toward the end of World War II, it has no ancient legends or lore associated with it. Guardian of the Twenty-Sixth Mansion of the Moon; Aquarius-Pisces. Guardian of the Twenty-Eighth Mansion of the Moon which is Pisces. Master of the 20th Tarot Card “Judgment” and the protector of the Environment. However, the violet variety of the crystal empathizes with those who were born after the winter solstice (between December 21st and January 19th). The crown chakra (or Sahasrara chakra) is the seventh chakra, and it sits at the very top of your head. [Melody, 626][Simmons, 386][Hall, 279][Raphaell, 121-125][www.crystalheart.com.au], [Melody, 626][Raphaell, 121-122][Ahsian, 387][101 Hall, 198][Hall, 279-280], [www.mindat.org][Simmons, 386][en.wikipedia.org][, [Simmons, 386][Raphaell, 122-123][Melody, 626], [Melody, 627][Hall, 280][www.healing-crystals-for-you.com], [Melody, 626-627][Lembo, 328][101 Hall, 198], [Ahsian, 387][Raphaell, 123][Hall, 280][Eason, 55], [Hall, 279][www.healing-crystals-for-you.com][www.mindbodyspirit-online.com], [101 Hall, 198-199][Gienger, 83][Eason, 55][Hall, 280][Ahsian, 387][www.mindbodyspirit-online.com], [Hall, 280][101 Hall, 198][Melody, 626][Gienger, 83][Eason, 55], [Lembo, 328-329][Hall, 280][Ahsian, 387][Gienger, 83], [Melody, 626][Raphaell, 123][Ahsian, 387], [Simmons, 386][Melody, 626][Hall, 279][101 Hall, 198], [Raphaell, 121-124][Melody, 626][Simmons, 386][www.healing-crystals-for-you.com][www.mindbodyspirit.com], The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals. Margherita, The Crystal Lotus Handbook (Ontario, Canada: The Crystal Lotus, 2010). Sugilite’s frequency allows one to recognize and release the harshness of the world, and to let go of sorrow, frustration, past angers and fear. Its energy flows from the Crown down to the Base Chakra, opening and balancing all as it goes. This crystal is a rare member of the Osumilite family of crystals, a set of stones that originate from a potassium sodium and lithium-based mineral. Sugilite Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy. It is particularly useful for increasing one’s channeling ability, and for releasing the pain associated with the loss of the person channeled. Charoite, Selenite, Sugilite, Clear Quartz etc for balancing Crown chakra. [Mella, pp.] [Simmons, 386][Raphaell, 122-123][Melody, 626], Use Sugilite with strong layers of black manganese to relieve headaches and dispel pain, discomfort of all sorts, and general feelings of disorder. Owning a sugilite stone is therefore thought to help the owner understand and love himself or herself, as well as extend that love to those around them. For those who deal with struggles surrounding their past or anxiety for the future, Sugilite also helps deal with those, letting people let go of past anxieties to remove mental tension. The crown chakra is also stimulated, thereby setting up an inner current of self-love, inner alignment and divine connection. It is one of the most powerful rays in nature, helping us interpret our dreams and inspiring us to great deeds and accomplishments. Sugilite is also called Luvulite, Lavulite, Royal Azel, Royal Lavulite, and Royal Lazelle. All information we share, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only.). For those suffering from chronic pain or struggling to discover their life’s purpose, daily meditation with Sugilite is recommended. IMPORTANT NOTE: Today at 2pm EST Crystal Vaults will be down, for about 1hr, for a major face lift. They are usually opaque and function like batteries, serving to augment our energy during periods when we are not at our peak. [Margherita,pp.] Sugilite's energetic vibrations supports love and wisdom while opening and aligning all the chakras to the flow of unconditional love. Finally many people use the traditional stones of the Zodiac. They’re pointers, directors, and compasses; the fresh start crystals. The Crown Chakra is known as “the bridge to the cosmos”, and governs your interaction and your communication with the Universe, as well as your inspiration and devotion, your connection with your higher self, and ultimately the Divine. Guardian of the Thirteenth Mansion of the Moon; Virgo. They’re crystals of the free, unfettered intellect and heart. Its energy is believed to bring the nerve centers and brain hemispheres into balance, calming the senses and energetically releasing tension, fear, and psychosomatic dis-ease. Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007). Sugilite is important for those individuals who were born under the Zodiac Sign of Pisces (between February 19th and March 20th). [Gienger, pp.] [Eason, 55]. Protector and Ruler of the dates August 29-Sept.2; Virgo. Guardian of the Seventh Mansion of the Moon; Gemini. Chakras - Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra Zodiac - Virgo Planet - Pluto Element - Water Vibration - Numbers 2, 3 and 7 Origin - Japan, South Africa Typical colours - Violet pink to lavender to purple Healing with Sugilite The Crown Chakra is most stimulated by Sugilite, meaning that it helps promote universal flow within the various chakras. Disclaimer & Terms of Use Privacy PolicyCopyright © 2009-2021 Crystal Vaults. It is highly supportive of working with groups, by resolving group difficulties and fostering good communication between all. Sugilite opens your Crown Chakra, drawing you into the mystery, wisdom, peace, and love of the higher realms. The gems and stones that assist with opening the Crown Chakra are Amethyst, Black Opal, Diamond, Celestite, Selenite, Sugilite, Apopholite, Sunstone and of course, Rose Quartz (every chakras best friend). William T. Fernie, The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones (Blauvelt, NY: Rudolph Steiner Publications, 1973). Many people use this stone for many different things, but one of the most common threads is that Sugilite is most used in situations when somebody is vulnerable. Master of the 21st Tarot Card “The World”. [Kunz, pp.] Guardian of the Twenty-Fifth Mansion of the Moon; Aquarius. It is the bright purple lapidary rock found in South Africa that brought its gem properties to popularity, especially as a New Age Stone in the 1980’s. Sugilite is one of the most vibrant and powerful stones you can find due to its status as a love stone. Take a Sugilite; Point it at the Crown Chakra It is an especially joyful stone for those who never quite fit in, and for light workers who find it difficult to adjust to the vibration of Earth. Enter your email to subscribe to the Basic Crystal Users Course and receive discounted membership in the Crystal Inner Circle. It brings out the empathetic feelings that Pisces inherently have, bringing harmony and love to their lives. Sugilite is a stone that helps one find their place (and peace) in the universe. Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II (Albuquerque, NM: Brotherhood of Life, Inc., 1986). Please check back at 3pm EST to see our brand new look! He is the Ruler of Sunday and the Sun. Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995). Wear or carry Sugilite to create a warm, protective “shield of Light,” keeping the wearer impervious to negativity and the disharmony of others. (San Francisco, Chronicle Books, 2012). Protector and Ruler of the dates June 1-5; Gemini. Sugilite works very well at the crown chakra, which acts as a channel for the entrance of universal energies into the body and mind and defines, sustains, and energizes the whole chakra system. What is Sugilite? Sugilite has also been used to bring support for autism and Asperger’s syndrome, and to relieve insomnia and sleep disturbance. Protector and Ruler of the dates February 15-19; Aquarius. How to Program your Crown Chakra with Zircon. [Eason, 55]. [Raphaell, pp.] JavaScript seem to be disabled in your browser. Sugilite’s overall promotion of mental stability will no doubt put the spirit at ease, but it is its properties surrounding warding off moments of jealousy and prejudice against others that will truly help your spirit. It is essentially a concept that is beyond words because it is currently beyond us. Sugilite is a cyclosilicate mineral. Sugilite is primarily a stone for opening the Crown Chakra, not for escape into the higher-vibrational realms, but for drawing in and grounding Light on Earth through one’s own being. Guardian of the First Mansion of the Moon; Aries. Its form is usually granular to massive, though rarely it forms in tiny prismatic crystals. Sugilite’s helpfulness during meditation is best used when meditating before bed or sleep. Crown Chakra Crystals. [Hall, 279][www.healing-crystals-for-you.com][www.mindbodyspirit-online.com], (Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. Its energy infuses one with inspiration, creativity and confidence, and enkindles the desire to release the past and move forward in peace and great joy. There are other Angels that are partial to Sugilite. This is also why it relates to sleep because it is able to help your body when you put it in the most vulnerable positions—when you sleep, you leave yourself open in many ways to the vibrations around you, making Sugilite’s healing properties especially helpful for when you’re sleeping. [Fernie, pp.] As Sugilite helps you clear your aura, open your crown chakra, and live your purpose, you become a conduit for Light to manifest through you into the world. Copyright 2021 The Secret of The Tarot. When working with Sugilite the mind becomes attuned to the spirit, directing its healing force back through the mind and into the body. The table also provides the name of the Guardian Angel of those born in the time period. ... Sugilite builds a bridge between you and the celestial world to promote spiritual intuition and openness. SUGILITE CHAKRA. Grid  The crown chakra is located at the exact top of your head and is responsible for connecting us and evolving us outside of our own stale human perspectives. [Melody, pp.] [Lembo, 328-329][Hall, 280][Melody, 626], Sugilite is primarily a stone for opening the Crown Chakra, not for escape into the higher-vibrational realms, but for drawing in and grounding Light on Earth through one’s own being. Sahasrara: the 7th or Crown Chakra at the top of the head, Sanskrit for “the lotus flower of 1000 petals.” This chakra is the gateway to all things spiritual, such as The Divine, Our Father, the Universe, and your Higher Self.. The color of the third eye chakra is either indigo/deep blue or purple. And helps to Heal Negativity and Chaos. Reconciling changes and letting go of past tensions both within oneself and with others allows those who use Sugilite to truly feel more at ease and feel comfortable within their lives again. Sugilite is a somewhat obscure mineral named for the Japanese geologist who discovered the first specimens in 1944, Ken-ichi Sugi. Violet crystals honor Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom and contradiction personified. You can even chant OM 108 times. [Altman, pp.] It is named for Dr. Ken-ichi Sugi, a Japanese petrologist who discovered the first specimens in 1944 on Iwagi Islet, Japan. It has been described as a purple turquoise although there is no relation between the two minerals. [Ahsian, 387][Raphaell, 123][Hall, 280][Eason, 55], Pink Sugilite is a powerful love crystal, especially in shades of magenta or fuchsia. The stone can also be used as a guide in lucid dreaming, another method for people looking to connect with their mind in deeper ways. However, it became very popular in the 1980’s as Luvulite when the New Age market discovered its vibration resonated with the “Age of Aquarius.” Because it first appeared at the end of a world war, it was thought of as a stone that would only show its availability to those with a peaceful mind and heart, and would heal those suffering from injury, pain and sorrow. Re also crystals of the 3rd Tarot Card “ Judgment ” and the Angel those. Mighty Goddess, and drama membership in the Earth ( Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House 1995! This type of immediate alignment she was the one who uttered the OM creation... Meditation will guide you to balance your Crown chakra will provide you a sense of.. Not always ready for this type of pain issues inner Traditions, edition... Chakra is activated ; Virgo peace, contentment and oneness 2013 ) sugilite crown chakra oneness enabling spiritual growth deep! 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