The energy which warriors were accustomed to put forth in their efforts to conquer was now " exhibited in the enterprise of conversion and teaching " 5 by Wilfrid on the coast of Friesland, 6 by Willibrord (658-715) in the neighbourhood of Utrecht,7 by the martyr-brothers Ewald or Hewald amongst the " old " or continental Saxons, 8 by Swidbert the apostle of the tribes between the Ems and the Yssel, by Adelbert, a prince of the royal house of Northumbria, in the regions north of Holland, by Wursing, a native of Friesland, and one of the disciples of Willibrord, in the same region, and last, not least, by the famous Winfrid or Boniface, the " apostle of Germany " (68 o-755), who went forth first to assist Willibrord at Utrecht, then to labour in Thuringia and Upper Hessia, then with the aid of his kinsmen Wunibald and Willibald, their sister Walpurga, and her thirty companions, to consolidate the work of earlier missionaries, and finally to die a martyr on the shore of the Zuider Zee. On the outward journey he wintered in Sicily, where he employed himself in quarrelling with Philip and in exacting satisfaction from the usurper Tancred for the dower of his widowed sister, Queen Joanna, and for his own share in the inheritance of William the Good. Katie hesitated again, afraid to leave her sister after the demons invaded the castle. This flower smells nice. Claire, in her usual manner, said nothing as she departed, but Effie had flustered and hovered about, asking detailed questions about Annie as soon as her sister was out of ear-shot. Almost immediately afterwards Jacqueline fulfilled her purpose of joining Port Royal - a proceeding which led to some soreness, finally healed, between herself and her brother and sister as to the disposal of her property. 1. My brother is nice. Her birth itself was romantic. But the plague, which had carried off two of his sons and a sister, had left its mark also on Pericles himself. Might it have been one of those situations where Fred mentioned something to Cora Abernathy who told it to her second cousin, once removed, whose brother-in-law's best friend was seeing the sister of Arthur's housekeeper? His second wife had died during this year; in 1656 he married a third, who survived him, Margaret, daughter of Lord Spencer, niece of the earl of Southampton, and sister of the earl of Sunderland, who died at Newbury. "Yes. Place a PERIOD between the two independent clauses. - Carol Saline "Sisters share the scent and smells - the feel of a common childhood." Dying in 1387, he transmitted Naples to his son Ladislaus, who had no children, and was followed in 1414 by his sister Joan II. Difficulties, however, had arisen with Conrad of Montferrat; and when Guy lost his wife Sibylla in 1190, and Conrad married Isabella, her sister, now heiress of the kingdom, these difficulties culminated in Conrad's laying claim to the crown. E.g: As my sister and I wished to spend more time together, we made a standing appointment to eat lunch with each other on Wednesdays. I wanted to believe he could make it in the Immortal world, because if he could, I could, too," she started. Prince Andrew did not notice that she called his sister Mary, and only after calling her so in his presence did Natasha notice it herself. See more. When you think of all the people you’ve been there for, whether it was a sibling or a friend, did you ever realize the impact you made on their lives? 6 4 There he finds his sister, sitting up in bed, looking frightened. Wishing to have a little sister to take care of, Kyle wished for his Mom’s new baby to be a girl. Montgomery, in Alabama, was the first Confederate capital, but after Virginia joined her sister states, the seat of government was removed to Richmond, on the 29th of May 1861. Iron Word, "Sister: A person who's been where you've been; someone you can call when things aren't going right; is more than just family; a sister is a forever friend. Happy Valentine’s Day! Not to fix anything, or to do anything in particular, but just to let us feel that we are cared for and supported. The crown descended to the king's brother, or his sister's son, not to his own offspring. In the earlier versions of his story he is the son of Rivalin, a prince of North West Britain, and Blancheflor, sister to King Mark of Cornwall. (In this example, “my sister and I” is the subject of the dependent clause and thus the first person singular pronoun is nominative, “I”. The name Abigail was also borne by a sister of David (2 Sam. He was the person suspected of murdering Howie's sister, Annie, fifteen years ago. A hideous tale is told by Buchanan against his private morals, but it is certainly inaccurate in detail, and is uncorroborated, while it appears to turn on a confusion between an alleged royal mistress, " the Daisy," and Margaret (Daisy), the king's own sister. Elijah on March 05, 2020: Perfect Clare you the best. Black God or not, he'd never forgotten his sister. : Mother and I travelled on the passenger vessel Olympic, a sister ship of the Titanic. RELATED: 20 Quotes To Remind You There's No Bond Stronger (Or Crazier) Than The One With Your Sister. A Life by her sister, Jane Margaret Strickland, appeared in 1887. The first, treating of agriculture and domestic economy, was the Journal economique (1751-1772); a Journal de commerce was founded in 1759; periodical biography may be first seen in the Necrologe des hommes celebres de France (1764-1782); the political economists established the Ephemerides du citoyen in 1765; the first Journal d'education was founded in 1768, and the Courrier de la mode in the same year; the theatre had its first organ in the Journal des theatres (1770); in the same year were produced a Journal de musique and the Encyclopedia militaire; the sister service was supplied with a Journal de marine in 1778. Without her, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Jonny's penance for betraying his sister would last an eternity. Louis appears to have been previously promised this succession, and to strengthen his claim married his son, Otto, to Agnes, the sister of Henry, the count palatine, who died without heirs in 1214. married Barbara, sister of the emperor Maximilian II. And that caused his sister to refuse my brother? Boyd, with some borderers, Hepburn and Ker of Cessford, seized the boy king, and Boyd had himself made governor, his son marrying the princess Mary, sister of James. - Pam Brown You mean the world to me and I love you. Catherine, Adolf's sister, made an attempt to assert the rights of his son Charles to the duchy, but by 1483 Maximilian had crushed all opposition and established himself as duke of Gelderland. Women too had always a great influence over Francis - his sister, Marguerite d'Angouleme, and his mistresses. This treaty most of the small states refused to sign, and they were supported in their objections by Austria, which loudly complained that Prussia had given to a foreign power what she had denied to a sister state of the Bund. 1219), a sister of Baldwin and Henry of Flanders, who were afterwards the first and second emperors of the Latin Empire of Constantinople. She is your unwavering companion and yet, your greatest competition. Happy Easter Day!Happy July fourth! Niece definition is - a daughter of one's brother, sister, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law. Nice to meet you. At first Egypt was well disposed to him, as Cleopatra his sister was regent. He, his sister and their father returned to Paris in the late autumn of 1650, and in September of the next year Etienne Pascal died. Use a SEMICOLON between the two independent clauses. You're my sister, as far as I'm concerned. 2 The earl himself, before execution, confessed his guilt and the thorough justice of his sentence, while, with singular lack of magnanimity, he incriminated several against whom accusations had not been brought, among others his sister Lady Rich. As he said this he rose, went to his sister, and, stooping, kissed her forehead. He went first, with his sister Madame Adelaide, to Switzerland where he obtained a situation for a few months as professor in the college of Reichenau under an assumed name,' mainly in order to escape from the fury of the emigres. ", "The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other. The elector had himself a claim to the inheritance as the husband of an Austrian archduchess, whose mother, the infanta Margaret, was the younger sister of the French queen. If you don’t have the words to express how you feel, these sister quotes will help you out. Ne'Rin, my sister Gage is looking for you. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Sister" in Example Sentences Page 1. CK 1 2569587 I hate my sister. 2. Louis was to marry Anne of Austria, daughter of the Spanish king, Philip III., and the Spanish prince, afterwards Philip IV., himself was to marry the Princess Elizabeth, the king's sister. “The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.” – Cali Rae … “A sister is someone who loves you from the heart. The intruder remained silent for a moment, then said slowly, "Your sister is well.". There seemed to be no reason why Denmark also should not become a powerful state under the guidance of a powerful monarchy, especially as the sister state of Sweden was developing into a great power under apparently identical conditions. Margaret Mead on Sisterly Competition 'Sister … 1. CK 1 66874 Ann has … My sister is not. On the advice of an elder sister, who had been for several years a teacher in Canton, Stark county, Ohio, he began his law practice in that place, which was to be his permanent home. Author Unknown Growing Up ; A little sister can drive you crazy when you are young, but the older I get the more I realize what a blessing she is in my life. He'd forgone the trip to pick me up, afraid he'd miss a call for information on his sister's death. (1455-1472), who on account of ill-health left the duchy in the hands of his wife, Yolande, sister of Louis XI. We acquire friends and enemies, but our sisters come with the territory. Einhard married Emma, or Imma, a sister of Bernharius, bishop of Worms, and a tradition of the 12th century represented this lady as a daughter of Charlemagne, and invented a romantic story with regard to the courtship which deserves to be noticed as it frequently appears in literature. She didn't want to lose the friend she regarded as a sister. Would you care if your sister was sleeping with someone she wasn't married to? It was hard to tell whether he was trying to impress his sister or shock her. Jeanne, sister of Marguerite and wife of Philip the Tall, was also arrested for not having denounced the culprits, and imprisoned at Dourdan. 20 Quotes To Thank Your Sister For Having Your Back Through Thick And Thin. If you’re the oldest, you probably feel protective about your siblings, but the youngest likely feels grateful for all the help—and outfit … Many of the sentences have audio, too. He was beautifully loyal to his mother and his sister Wilhelmina; his letters to the duchess of Gotha are full of a certain tender reverence; the two Keiths found him a devoted friend. The only young people remaining in the drawing room, not counting the young lady visitor and the countess' eldest daughter (who was four years older than her sister and behaved already like a grown-up person), were Nicholas and Sonya, the niece. This Flemish movement is all in favour of establishing close relations with the sister people of the north. Now that we’ve grown older, our relationship has gotten a lot stronger. A sister is someone who loves you from the heart. happy … His sister Plaisance had married in 1250 Henry I. and of his consort Maria Luisa of Spain, was born in Florence in 1783, and from 1818-48 was viceroy of the kingdom of Lombardo-Venetia; his mother was the Princess Elizabeth, sister of Charles Albert, King of Sardinia. On the death of his cousin, Jean Louis Charles, duc de Longueville (1646-1694), Conti in accordance with his cousin's will, claimed the principality of Neuchatel against Marie, duchesse de Nemours (1625-1707), a sister of the duke. ", "A person that truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is. Love Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Sad Quotes These funny sister quotes can be used to wish your sister … Tell me, as you would a sister, what I ought to do. The efforts of Maximilian to recover the country were vain, and the successive governors of the Netherlands, Philip the Fair and his sister Margaret, fared no better. Dusty's wife was the sister of Jonny, making him the brother with the most personal connection to the Black God. and even funny quotes about siblings, all in one place. ", "You are the person who holds me in my bad times, you are the person who dances with me in my happiness. 133. What does niece mean? He hadn't thought of his sister or his loss for some time. On the following evening Murray arrived, and now even Murray was welcome to his sister. No matter how much you argue, you cannot be drawn apart. In 1896 the archbishop went to Ireland to see the working of the sister Church. ARTEMISIA, the sister and wife of Mausolus (or Maussollus), king of Caria, was sole ruler from about 353 to 350 B.C. In 1525 Henry was taken prisoner at the battle of Pavia, but he contrived to escape, and in 1526 married Margaret, the sister of Francis I. My brother is nice; my sister is not. — J. Have a nice weekend! Example of a run-on sentence: My brother is nice my sister is not. Katie said, dragging her sister toward the window. BRAN, in Celtic legend, the name of (1) the hero of the Welsh Mabinogi of Branwen, who dies in the attempt to avenge his sister's wrongs; he is the son of Llyr (= the Irish sea-god Ler), identified with the Irish Bran mac Allait, Allait being a synonym of Ler; (2) the son of Febal, known only through the 8th-century Irish epic, The Voyage of Bran (to the world below); (3) the dog of Ossian's Fingal. He made John Young (c. 1775-1835) and Isaac Davis, Americans from one of the ships of Captain Metcalf which visited the island in 1789, his advisers, encouraged trade with foreigners, 2 Their discovery in the 16th century (in 1542 or 1555 by Juan Gaetan, or in 1528 when two of the vessels of Alvaro de Saavedra were shipwrecked here and the captain of one, with his sister, survived and intermarried with the natives) seems probable, because there are traces of Spanish customs in the islands; and they are marked in their correct latitude on an English chart of 1687, which is apparently based on Spanish maps; a later Spanish chart (1743) gives a group of islands 10 0 E. ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR (1848-), British statesman, eldest son of James Maitland Balfour of Whittingehame, Haddingtonshire, and of Lady Blanche Gascoyne Cecil, a sister of the third marquess of Salisbury, was born on the 25th of July 1848. In 1103 Edgar's sister, Eadgyth (Matilda), married Henry I.; the dynasty of Scotland now shows, by the names of its members, that the English element in it was predominant. Being a big sister is to love your brother, even if he doesn’t want it or love you in return. His only recollection is that you were as devastated over your sister as everyone else. Many of the sentences have audio, too. By his marriage in 1438 to Cicely, sister of the earl of Salisbury, he allied himself to the rising family of the Nevilles. Jackson told her that he and his sister moved back to Fairhaven three months ago, and their home had been in the family for generations. Pay tribute and be joyful because you are a treasured piece of her living legacy. Her heart was pounding for a man who didn't think of her as anything more than a little sister. Once again a great hi to everyone, thanks for all your great response for Monday Quotes. ), but continued to be ruled by his mistress Agathoclea, sister of Agathocles. Separated in early years from her parents and sister, her one great friendship had proved only baneful and ensnaring. Is this the speech you prepared for your sister, or is it merely self-serving advice? Anne was my grandfather's favorite sister. Charlotte Gray Her sister Edith married Robert Beale, afterwards the chief of Walsingham's henchmen. With the exception of Lori, a childhood playmate; Katie, the groom's sister; and Saundra, the receptionist at the groom's veterinary clinic – and of course, Carmen, the bride; everyone in attendance was a member of the Reynolds family. Whether she’s the wife of your brother or the sister of your husband, a sister in law adds joy to any family. In the vain hope of protecting his sister Berenice, the new king of Egypt, Ptolemy III. At the end of 1709 he went to Dresden for twelve months for finishing lessons in French and German, mathematics and fortification, and, his education completed, he was married, greatly against his will, to the princess Charlotte of BrunswickWolfenbiittel, whose sister espoused, almost simultaneously, the heir to the Austrian throne, the archduke Charles. Siblings are the one how can inspire and motivate us like no one else could. Once she enters your life, she is there to stay. He married Gudrun (Kriemhild), the sister of that king, and won for him by a stratagem the hand of the Valkyrie Brynhildr, with whom he had himself previously exchanged vows of love. They often worship their older siblings and it can be a nice experience to be admired. CK 1 469126 She's my sister. The lordship of Aremberg remained in his family till 1547, when it passed, by his marriage with Margaret, sister of the childless Robert III., to John of Barbancon, of the great house of Ligne, who assumed the name and arms of Aremberg, and was created a count of the Empire by Charles V. This step was favoured by the pope, and Ottakar, eagerly accepting the offer, strengthened his position by marrying Margaret, a sister of Duke Frederick II., and in return for his investiture promised his assistance to William of Holland. St Gregory describes St Benedict's sister Scholastica as a nun (sanctimonialis), and she is looked upon as the foundress of Benedictine nuns. By his wife Margaret, sister of the French king, Francis I., he had a daughter, Jeanne d'Albret, queen of Navarre, who married Anthony de Bourbon, duke of Vendome, and became the mother of Henry IV., king of France. "Nice" He is nice. in 1905, and another, Constantine, crown prince of Greece, married a sister of the German emperor William II. Lennox presently married Margaret, Henry's niece, daughter of his sister, Margaret Tudor, by her husband, Angus. We'll meet soon, brother, his long-dead sister had told him right before he awoke. 1672), sister of Charles III., duke of Lorraine. You don’t have to be rich, you don’t have to be cool to have a sister because they were given to us from the moment we were born, or later during the life path. Here he fought against some of the usurpers who threatened the throne of Honorius; he made some sort of compact with that emperor and, in 414, he married his sister Placidia, who had been since the siege of Rome a captive in the camp of the Goths. He must have meant love in a family way - like he loved his sister. The Church of England, which had put forth the version of 1611, fitly initiated the work, but for its performance most wisely invited the help of the sister churches. Ashleigh on February 04, 2020: I can't even live without your voice. No life’s worth more than any other, no sister worth less than any brother. quotes about Sisters. Short Marriage Wishes For Sister . The elder Muraqqish was the great-uncle of Tarafa of Bakr, the author of the Mu'allaqa, and took part in the long warfare between the sister tribes of Bakr and Taghlib, called the war of Basus, which began about the end of the 5th century A.D. Aristotle admired Hermias, and married his friend's sister or niece, Pythias, by whom he had his daughter Pythias. At Reims she and her elder sister, Sophia, afterwards known as Sarah, joined a troupe of Italian children who made their living by singing in the cafes, Sarah singing and Elizabeth, then only four years of age, collecting the coppers. These quotes will express your feeling towards your sister. I mean, it might be hurtful for your sister to see me using your mothers' things. He understood what it was to lose a sister and hoped the stupid kid before him never went through that pain. Though the truce was for two years, Philip assembled an army in 1188 to invade Normandy, demanding Gisors and the conclusion of the marriage which had been arranged between his sister Alice and Richard of England, who had meanwhile deserted his father. Susie has a nice smile. Atius Balbus, and sister of Julius Caesar, and it was this connexion with the great dictator which determined his career. Hybrid 1 2251101 That's my sister. From your loving sister, HELEN A. KELLER. he asked. As usual with him, misfortune followed close behind; for he lost in quick succession his brother Wilhelm and another sister. our relationship has gotten a lot stronger, 20 Quotes To Remind You There's No Bond Stronger (Or Crazier) Than The One With Your Sister, 25 Sister Quotes That PERFECTLY Sum Up Your Crazy Relationship, 11 Reasons To Be VERY Thankful For Your Little Sister, 9 Reasons Your Sister Is The Most Important Woman In Your Life, These 10 Quotes Prove That You Sister Should ALWAYS Be Your #1. Howard had insisted on picking up his little sister that night for safety reasons. A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ERIPHYLE, in Greek mythology, sister of Adrastus and wife of Amphiaraus. Having encouraged a warlike spirit in his people and having introduced firearms, Kamehameha attacked and overcame the chiefs of the other kingdoms one after another, until (in 1795) he became undisputed master of the whole group. They are the ones who are perfectly aware of your family background, which could be difficult for someone else to understand. He died on the 12th of February 1886 in Utica, at the home of his sister, who was the wife of Roscoe Conkling. On arriving in Italy he found that Octavian was already victorious; on the death of Fulvia, a reconciliation was effected between the triumvirs, and cemented by the marriage of Antony with Octavia, the sister of his colleague. Murray, with his sister's ready permission, withdrew to France. In 827 he married Emma, daughter of Welf I., count of Bavaria, and sister of his stepmother Judith; and he soon began to interfere in the quarrels arising from Judith's efforts to secure a kingdom for her own son Charles, and the consequent struggles of Louis and his brothers with the emperor Louis I. Maybe the mother and sister didn't exist. The succeeding period seems to have been one of considerable prosperity, though Pest was completely eclipsed by the sister town of Buda with its fortress and palace. meaning when did they leave for Moscow. He remembered the young man mentioning he had a sister in Parkside. I keep telling him that as long as he gives her money, she'll never get out of trouble, but he just says she's the only sister he has and he has the money. At the age of nineteen he returned to his father's house, and, making a rough attempt at a hermit's dress out of two kirtles of his sister's and a hood belonging to his father, he ran away to follow the religious vocation. I wish you and your husband all the best as you begin your new life. Only names used to wish your sister and drew breath in time with.... 'S side with a deceased wife 's sister and her new husband, a friend to the Poles instead her! Caused his sister Murray, with his sister started writing, and of Hungary, whose sister staying... 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Living legacy in Toledo, then governor-general of India Alex had stayed when he comes, hears! The great duke of Lorraine greatest gift our parents ever gave me: 'Be nice to sister! Are liked by them `` my little sister as an intruder White God across from Jessi as. Never forgotten his sister, Marguerite d'Angouleme, and nice sentence about sister bill permitting marriage with deceased. Can bring her back, '' said Anatole hard the situation is spirit! Will tell my sister and drew breath in time with her children dragging her sister, were on their to. Before you left sister unharmed a Berber woman has in many ways a better position than her Arab sister Hadrian. And what do his father and sister, sitting up in bed, looking.! Angry about his sister Arsinoe ( III several of the sister people of the north that...