document.title="Ctrl+Z returns your code" myFonts = fontContainer; function do_CSharp() { The developerFusion web site provides code converters that let you translate between C#, Visual Basic, Ruby, and Python.. One of the most important uses for reflection is analyzing code to figure out what it does. var bulk = document.editor.temp1.value document.editor.elements[28].disabled=false; document.editor.linkstart.value = '' function regOpt(){ document.editor.temp.value = cv1 q = prompt("Enter a font (Cancel or Esc to ignore)",""); Premium Content You need a subscription to comment. r11 = r10.join(""); funcInf = nl+"function "+document.editor.func.value+"{"+nl+nl font-size: 20px; xhr.send(); Enjoyed the converter? function radLink() '
' function pytQt(){ document.editor.convert.disabled=false; document.editor.code.value = reactfragment;'GET', 'usage.php?ev=FiverrLearn'); msg = "\t...activate this feature?\t\t"; } else { if(document.editor.sel.value=="vb"){do_VBS()}else ''+nl+ 'REBOL []'+nl+ secondLastC = bulkval.split('Response.Write "" ') //document.editor.undo.disabled=true; document.editor.temp.value = cv1 setTimeout("convertToASPa()",10); if (end == -1) } document.editor.code.value = '#!/home/youruserpath/rebol -cs'+nl+ document.editor.temp.value = cv1 m = bulk.split('"') document.editor.temp1.value = document.editor.code.value //document.editor.code.value=el } } function do_CPlus() { secondLastC = bulkval.split(nl+nl) } document.editor.code.value = ''+nl+" Dim "+v+nl+v+' = ' +cv1+nl+'document.write '+v+nl+''} function convertToJSWd() var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); ((domain) ? document.editor.temp.value = document.editor.code.value function convertToASPc() setTimeout("convertToJSPd()",10); else if (doc== 1) radLink(); setTimeout("convertToASPd()",10); document.editor.temp.value = cv1 cv1 = secondLastC.join('') ' td {font-size:8pt;font-family:MS Sans Serif}'+nl+ { I had been a full-time software developer for 4 years at that time, writing mainly in C++ on Linux, heavily using the QT library.'GET', 'usage.php?ev=UdemyClick'); var bulkval = document.editor.temp.value 'Link'+nl+ { secondLastC = bulkval.split(nl+nl) q2 = r1.split("\n"); This is a tool to generate C++ source code from Python scripts and build a standalone executable program. 'If you are pasting the code into an existing script'+br+ q6 = r5.split(">") /* q = document.editor.Cvar.value If you're going to do a manual line-by-line conversion, then I have a tool to do some of the grunt work. { function convertToCSharpSe() sc = '';'GET', 'usage.php?ev=TouchPointVideo'); if(document.editor.sel.value=="cplus"){do_CPlus()} else Web designers love the Web Code Converter. document.editor.temp.value = o.join("") if(document.editor.sel.value=="perl"){do_PERL()}else // setCookie("wcc_Fonts", myFonts, now) convertToVBSd() Python Input/Output 2. newF = document.editor.func.value; //where = txt2html1.scrollTop document.editor.temp.value = m.join('\\"') } document.editor.temp.value = cv1 secondLastC = bulkval.split(q+' = '+q+' + "\\n"; ') ''+nl+ document.editor.code.disabled=false; Once you know what the code does, you can emit new code to do the same thing in a different programming language. -->", "g"); function convertToVBSe() } for(i=0,j=1;i<6,j<7;i++, j++) { //alert(val) '